Is there any place known as the Centre of the Universe?

 The Center of the Universe

Tulsa, Oklahoma

    The “Center of the Universe” is a little-known mysterious acoustic phenomenon. If you stand in the middle of the circle and make a noise, the sound is echoed back several times louder than it was made. Well, there's nothing much to look, but wait till you hear what it does. Despite the fact that it defines the laws of physics in terms of sound and reflection, there's no one can find the correct explanation of this mechanism.

It is made up of nothing but small circle of about 30 inches in diameter made of worn out concrete.(By seeing this image you can absorb that) Then this small turn is again surrounded by one more circle which is made up of 13 bricks. If you measure, it comes 8 feet in diameter altogether.

        "When you are inside the concrete circle and make noise, it is echoed back and is return back with much louder than previous one. But people outside the circle can't hear those sounds."

    This effects the outsider voices too. If you try talking to person while standing outside the concrete circel, the voice heard will be distored and unclear too.

    This circle was built in 80's.It has been known to be "Centre of Universe" and some believe that this is the point where all cosmic energies meet. You might do some experiments on your own by droping some iron pins and expect to hear "Clink" sound but what you would actually hear is the louder crash sound.


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